My Kindergarden Story

It was a bright sunny day, the birds were chirping happily. As I walked out  the door toward’s the bus stop, I could smell the sweet aroma of the tender,florecent,flowers in my mom’s garden.

I rode the bus to school, eagerly to see what I was going to learn in Mrs. Vallejo’s class,my kindergarden teacher. We approched to school ,i grabbed my backpack and walked to my classroom. Mrs. Vallejo  had been teaching us how to read. As i walked into class, Mrs. Vallejo began to tell the class that each student will read one, five hbpage picture book infont of the whole class. I started to get upset, I was scared to talk or do anything  public . It was nerve wracking.

It was the day of the Reading Day. I had been preparing the night before. Then my teacher called me up. I walked  infront of my class , I felt as if the whole universe was was watching me just waiting for me to make a mistake. I  toke a deep breath and read my story without a mistake. I saw as my clss clapped ad congraduated me with high fives .

That day,I realized how  easy it was, and as long as you practice you can do it. And, it can always get better.

Why Is It Important To Stay Hydrated?

Water. Hydration. Is hydration important? Do we really need it? In fact, yes we do. Without being hydrated you won’ t get enough nutrients in your body, and can get severely ill. Water is what keeps you hydrated. Hydration, is the key to learning, a positive attitude, and living a healthy happy life.

Water, has a majority part of hydration. You may have heard that you should drink at least 8 cups  of water a day. The reason for that is ,a human body is made out of at least 75% of water. When your body does have water you concentrate more and have a spectacular attitude.

Dehydration can be unhealthy, and quite unsafe. Not being hydrated can cause varies symptoms like headaches ,dizziness,and nauseousness . People with medical problems like diabetes and kidney issues have to be more careful or can have a deadly result.

Water is our gold. We use it in many ways. People worldwide do not know that dehydration is a problem. Many people die of dehydration, while others waste it and don’t use it properly . So, are we going to cherish our gold , or waste it.

Hints for Expo Writing

Techniques for the upcoming writing assignment:

I.   Introduction

  1. Attention Getter- Metaphor/ Simile/ Personification/ Strong statement of opinion/ Oneword. / Definition of a key term/ Rhetorical Question/ Paint a picture with imagery/ Famous quote…
  2. Thesis- Direct address of prompt laying out 1 and 2 main ideas

II.  Body Paragraph 1

  1. Topic sentence- Restate the first main idea
  2. Flesh out the main idea using s-p-e-c-i-f-i-c details.
  3. Transition the first idea to the secondBody Paragraph 2
  1. Topic sentence- Restate the second main idea
  2. Flesh out the main idea using s-p-e-c-i-f-i-c details.
  3. Transition the first idea to the conclusion


  1. Conclusion
  2. Revisit the first ideas of the essay and wrap up the main ideas
  3. Make the last statement impactful, making the reader wanting to read more or to search out more information like your essay




You must:

  • Stay on track, addressing the prompt… Explain how you can make the world a better place.
  • Indent 4 well-constructed paragraphs
  • Check your spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure
  • Follow the outline
  • Establish and follow a clear thesis/controlling idea

Techniques for the upcoming writing assignment:    


  1. Metaphor/ Simile/ Personification/ Strong statement of opinion/ Oneword. / Definition of a key term/ Rhetorical Question/ Paint a picture with imagery/ Famous quote…
  2. Thesis- Direct address of prompt laying out 1 and 2 main ideas

Body Paragraph 1

  1. Topic sentence- Restate the first main idea
  2. Flesh out the main idea using s-p-e-c-i-f-i-c details.
  3. Transition the first idea to the second

Body Paragraph 2

  1. Topic sentence- Restate the second main idea
  2. Flesh out the main idea using s-p-e-c-i-f-i-c details.
  3. Transition the first idea to the conclusion


  1. Revisit the first ideas of the essay and wrap up the main ideas
  2. Make the last statement impactful, making the reader wanting to read more or to search out more information like your essay




You must:

  • Stay on track, addressing the prompt… Explain how you can make the world a better place.
  • Indent 4 well-constructed paragraphs
  • Check your spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure
  • Follow the outline
  • Establish and follow a clear thesis/controlling idea

World Changer Expository Essay

Current writing assignment:

Read: In life, we are confronted with many problems.  There are some however, who don’t merely complain, they do something about it.
Think:  Muhatma Ghandi once stated: be the change you wish to see in the world.  But…what are we doing?
Write:  Explain how you can make the world a better place.


Rough Draft due, end of class- Tuesday January 24th

Final draft due, timed essay- Friday January 27th


Former Learner Post

Moving along can be hard.. in all my whole school years I’ve never been this happy to where and who I have become today!! Last year, I can tell you I wasn’t very good at reading; it was because I wasn’t letting myself move on. This year, I have done two book talks and passed both of them. The first book talk I received a 78%..which is barley passing. I told myself that I can do better and I would do with the last book talk that we just had… I was working and working on it to make sure I did better..I even came to the one and only Mr. Sznajder to ask for help. On Monday of 11/14 it was time to present our book talks.. I asked Mr. Sznajder if he could come and listen to the work I had done for 4 weeks and he agreed..I was scared as heck but I did it! After the book talk, he informed me that I did very well and he was happy for who I am today..and he was mostly happy for where I came from.  I also earned a 90% on the project!!

Now that I know I can do it…I know you can do it. Don’t let anything stop you. You are a strong person. You have many more years ahead of you!!!


About Me


Please choose a theme and customize your home page.  Then, delete your “Hello World” generic first post given to you by Edublogs. Create an “About Me” post.  This will be a post introducing yourself to me and your classmates; it should be informative, interesting, ethical, and honest.  It should include pictures and graphics appropriate for sharing.  Please include the following information in paragraph form:

  1. Full name
  2.  One thing you’ve learned so far in school
  3. Hobbies/Interests
  4. Favorite foods
  5. Favorite books, shows, and music
  6. Expectations you have for this class
  7. Your favorite class in school and why
  8. What goals you have this year
  9. What you plan on doing to improve your quality of learning
  10. Who or what most inspires you

This post will appear on your home page and is due Friday, September 30’Th.  Please don’t procrastinate and have fun with it!  (Grammar matters) Announcement

All classes must be registered to and all Pre AP classes must be registered to Khan Academy by Friday September 16th!

(Click the following URL address, for YOUR class, BELOW)

Period 2-

Period 3- 

Period 5-

Period 4 (pre ap)-

Period 6 (pre ap) –

Period 7 (pre ap) –


All Pre AP classes ONLY must be registered to class Khan Academy webpage.

Go to:

Find the profile tab

In the add a coach field- choose your class code below!

Sign up for an account and use the following code:

Period 4- 5K698S

Period 6- UJDF89

Period 7-  QMQBQV

Next Two Writing Prompts

Please be thinking about the following two prompts!  Feel free to start brainstorming!!

Personal Narrative-

Write about a time when you learned an important lesson. 



Explain why it is important to learn from our life experiences.

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