Why Is It Important To Stay Hydrated?

Water. Hydration. Is hydration important? Do we really need it? In fact, yes we do. Without being hydrated you won’ t get enough nutrients in your body, and can get severely ill. Water is what keeps you hydrated. Hydration, is the key to learning, a positive attitude, and living a healthy happy life.

Water, has a majority part of hydration. You may have heard that you should drink at least 8 cups  of water a day. The reason for that is ,a human body is made out of at least 75% of water. When your body does have water you concentrate more and have a spectacular attitude.

Dehydration can be unhealthy, and quite unsafe. Not being hydrated can cause varies symptoms like headaches ,dizziness,and nauseousness . People with medical problems like diabetes and kidney issues have to be more careful or can have a deadly result.

Water is our gold. We use it in many ways. People worldwide do not know that dehydration is a problem. Many people die of dehydration, while others waste it and don’t use it properly . So, are we going to cherish our gold , or waste it.